Junmai Ginjo,Muroka,Namagenshu,Sake review

Established in 1877, Nihonizumi Sake Brewery is a boutique sake producer tucked away in the vibrant heart of Gifu Cit ...

Junmai,Junmai Ginjo,Muroka,Namagenshu,Namazake,Sake review

Shichi Hon Yari “The Seven Spearsmen” Junmai Muroka Namazake

Pours a clear color. Nice grain on the ...

Junmai Daiginjo,Junmai Ginjo,Namazume-Namachozo,Sake review

What is “Modern” style? This is my own made up term. I see a trend of very aromatic, incredibly fruity and Ginjo in s ...

Honjozo,Junmai,Junmai Ginjo,Muroka,Namagenshu,Namazake,Sake review

Before I share my tasting notes on the fresh Nama, here are some words to decode the names of the sake. 

純米 Jun ...

Junmai,Junmai Ginjo,Muroka,Namagenshu,Namazake,Sake review

Daisekkei “Snow Valley” Tokubetsu Junmai Muroka Namazake Genshu

When you open the cap, there’s a pop.&nbs ...

Junmai Ginjo,Namagenshu,Sake review

Choshu Shuzo is now well into the middle of its first brewing season, and toji Fujioka Miki has shipped out several b ...

Junmai Ginjo,Sake review

Located in Aichi prefecture, NAITO brewery, which will mark 190 years of activity this year, is located in a beautifu ...

Hiyaoroshi,Junmai,Junmai Ginjo,Sake review

Hiyaoroshi are single pasteurized (Namazume) right after brewing then aged until they are perfect and also, it’s cool ...

Honjozo,Junmai Daiginjo,Junmai Ginjo,Namazake,Sake review

Tanizakura Shiboritate Honjozo Namazake 

From Yamanashi and made with a table rice, Asahi no Yume, polishe ...

Hiyaoroshi,Junmai Ginjo,Sake review

The label of this sake is already telling us a story. To me, this is more than just the name of the sake, it is Herme ...