Sake brewery tour: Matsubaya Honten in Obuse Nagano
If you are in Nagano prefecture and happen to be visiting Obuse area, you might not want to miss visiting this sake b ...
Sake brewery tour: Katayama Shuzo in Nikko, Tochigi
I just posted about Watanabesahei Shoten a day before but here, let me introduce about another wonderful sake brewery ...
Sake brewery tour: Watanabesahei Shoten in Nikko, Tochigi
I had a pleasure of visiting Watanabe Sahei Shoten (Watanabesahei sake brewery) in Nikko city, Tochigi prefecture las ...
Sake brewery tour: Ito Syuzo in Mie prefecture
This is my very first post in Sakegeek.
How do you do. This is Yuki Imanishi, CEO of Sake Lovers Inc.
I h ...
Experiencing Japan through Sake
I visited fourteen sake breweries in four different prefectures in Japan in nine months. What was the best part? Well ...
Online Sake Tasting by Sake Lovers
An online sake tasting is a virtual experience in which a group of people ge ...
Sake Brewery Review – Clear Innovation at Tochigi’s Nishibori Shuzo
I was fascinated to learn from a recent Sake Lovers virtual brewery tour of Nishibori Brewery about how far a brewer ...
Sake review: Ozawa Shuzo Sawanoi, Tokyo Kurabito
I have lived in Japan for the past 4 years, and the mor ...
Visit to Murashige sake brewery in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi
Sake became a part of my life whilst I was living in Tokyo. It was a unique way for me to explore Japan and gain a ne ...
Toshimaya – A journey to the World of Sake.
Sake or Nihon-shu (Japanese liquor) has played a crucial role in Japan’s life and cultu ...